Welcome to Mom Comes First!
The hottest place for all of your mom and step-mom role play fantasies on the internet.
Check out more of the most recent Mom Comes First video updates:
The Real Mom
You need to listen to me. I’m you’re real mom now, whether you like it or not…
Welcome Home
I just can’t believe your father is getting away with this.. And he’s the one who cheated…
New Life
I’ve never been good at making friends. And I don’t like doing new things…
Mom’s Secret Question
You’re my son’s best friend. I need to ask you a question about some videos he’s…
Son’s Delight
A beautiful loving step mom takes care of her sexually energetic son….
Skin Care Routine
Why didn’t you put your sunscreen on? I told you. You should have let me do it…
Just Like Him
Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. I just wanted to sleep in your bed.. I just…
Mom Inclusive
Sorry, my mom is supposed to ask first. Don’t freak out. She’s just really horny…
The Bedtime Solution
Baby what’s wrong? It’s the middle of the night. I’m sorry you had a nightmare…
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